Lowke & Veronica Eileen deliver us with an inspiring new production, “I Believe In You.”
What we love about the track — it’s heartfelt, genuine and not too overdone. Believing in someone or something is a deep and powerful notion, and this song captures that energy.
Veronica’s haunting vocals glide over euphoric chords and reverb-heavy percussion, into a swell of a drop that releases all the feels through glimmering arps and a unique groove. Back down into another gorgeously delivered verse we go, before “I Believe In You” takes an unexpected turn with its production and finishes strong.
Lowke & Veronica Eileen have shared a simple, joint statement to accompany their release:
We Believe In You All
If you need something to believe in today, this is it. Listen here, check out the music video, and link up with both artists below!
Lowke & Veronica Eileen – I Believe In You
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Connect with Veronica Eileen
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