Drake is gearing up for a new album and Diddy was able to get the scoop via live stream.
In the video capture below, Diddy calls up Drake to discuss quarantine and what he’s been working on. Still riding the wave of his viral song/video/dance “Toosie Slide,” Drake reveals he’s sitting on the most music he’s ever been. He describes the sound as “fresh” and “brand new” and says he’s “hype” on the forthcoming release.
Drake expands:
I’m working on an album. I’ve been working on it for a while now. Like I said, another silver lining is, ya know, when God does get you to sit down — I remember the last time I had to sit down was when I tore my ACL — and I made a great album out of that, and obviously God has us all in the house right now sitting down. So, the amount of focus I’m able to put into this album is probably way different than what it would have been…
He adds:
…definitely, this is the most excited I’ve been about an album in a long time.
Get ready.