It’s easy when you’re engrossed in the dance music world to think that producers getting all the credit is the norm. However, in the pop, country, and rock worlds, this is often not the case. So when some woman tweeted a few days ago that “Music Producers should not get the same credit as the artist,” well… everyone came together against a common enemy.
Music Producers should not get the same credit as the artist.
— Vine Memories (@VineMemories_) December 23, 2018
It’s always clear when a tweet is controversial because it has just about as many replies as it does favorites. At the moment, this tweet has 2400 replies vs 2700 favorites. Confirmed: controversial.
Many of dance music’s top producers either replied directly to the original offending tweet, or quote tweeted it with their own take. Either way, it was the hot button topic over the holidays.
See what some of our favorite producers are saying below.
I didn’t know someone could be so completely clueless on how the music industry works, but also completely clueless how music producers even work.
— rukes (@rukes) December 25, 2018
The artist is just the marketable vessel through which a song is statistically more likely to succeed.
Deals are negotiated based on perceived value contribution, just as in any other business.
The contribution level of writers , singers, producers has high variance.
— ▽ (@3LAU) December 25, 2018
so if i produce and engineer every part of somebodys album EXCEPT the lyrics, i dont deserve credits?
— ???????????????????????? (@GetterOfficial) December 25, 2018
On a level of of 1 to dumb…you’re fully lobotomised
— FuntCase | DPMO (@FuntCaseUK) December 24, 2018
u the only person i’ve ever blocked ????
— TAILS (@tailsxbeats) December 24, 2018
U do realize how much engineering goes into vocals to make them sound good? Producers make the music world go round.
— DACK JANIELS (@DackJanielsDub) December 24, 2018
Not going to come in here hot, but as a counterargument:
“Producers” don’t always just “make beats”. Sometimes they write all the lyrics. Sometimes they write all the vocal melodies. Sometimes they do absolutely nothing. Same can be said for “the artist”.
You simply don’t know
— ????EKALI???? (@EkaliMusic) December 24, 2018
— Midnight Tyrannosaurus (@Midnightasaurus) December 24, 2018
good luck getting anyone to do literally anything in life for you with that attitude lmao
— slushii (@SlushiiMusic) December 24, 2018
How can you make a blanket statement like this? Every case is so different, and in a lot of cases the artists are puppets..and in others the producer is the artist.
— SHAUN FRANK (@Shaun_Frank) December 24, 2018
Merry Christmas to everyone except you, Alina