Since Axwell Λ Ingrosso announced a 2019 New York show for Swedish House Mafia last week today, the internet and fans have been abuzz with questions. Will it lead to a full tour? Will they return to Madison Square Garden? Can we expect new music?
There are still more questions than answers, but at least one thing has been made certain: a tour is coming. Speaking with Swedish publication Sydsvenskan, Steve Angello said of a tour, “It happening. Obviously. Not all the details are set, but we’re back in 2019.”
This follows Axwell Λ Ingrosso’s show at the Brooklyn Mirage in New York two Sundays ago, when they lowered the music for a moment to address the crowd. “Should we cancel the Swedish House Mafia gig we’re planning next year,” Axwell asks. “Because I don’t know if they’re ready for Swedish House Mafia in 2019 in New York.”
More details are sure to come soon, but this is good news for any SHM fan!
Photo via Liam Andes for Your EDM