Lots of changes continue to be implemented this year at HARD Summer, as the event goes on its first year without HARD Events founder Gary Richards at the helm. Since Richards’ full transition to LiveStyle, HARD is now completely under the purview of Insomniac Events.
To recap the already-known changes in 2018:
- HARD Summer will return to its 2016 venue at the Fontana Speedway. However, the festival area will be moved in-field to a grassier, more compact area allowing for easier movement from stage to stage.
- There will be NO camping this year, as opposed to the last two years.
- The lineup is absolutely insane.
- Ingress and egress will be overhauled to allow for fewer headaches getting in and out of the festival.
And thanks to @roger_nottherabbit on Instagram, and @germanhenry92 on Twitter, we now know that 2018 HARD will finally allow kandi at its festival.
Kandi has been banned from HARD for a number of years, with the festival citing “safety” at some points. Richards has previously gone on record saying that his events are not raves, as well.
With Insomniac now leading the way, attendees should prepare themselves to see far more colorful bracelets and accessories than in years past! Single-day, two-day, and VIP tickets for HARD Summer 2018 are on sale now.
Lol clearly insomniac has taken over #PLUR pic.twitter.com/2ERGr8pFRB
— germanhenry (@germ4nhenry) April 25, 2018
Photo via Oh Dag Yo Photography © 2015