The Chainsmokers today found themselves under hot water after fans became outraged at a brief comment made during an Ultra China promo video. The comment was about the stereotype concerning the Chinese and eating dogs. Many people generalized Alex Pall’s comment and took it as an afront against all Asians, though Pall said no such thing. Furthermore, there is a very real history of dogs being eaten in China, and still to this day, including the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival in Yulin, China.
This afternoon, The Chainsmokers posted an apology on Twitter to fans.
“We originally posted a video to share how much we love China and our fans there,” they wrote. “We would never intentionally do anything to upset our fans and we apologize if we offended anyone.”
They also included a link to Stop Yulin Forever, a site built to put an end to the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.
Image via Frank Apollonio