“Dat Vibe” by Novka was one of my favorite house records of 2015, and I was deeply saddened when the group broke up after their stellar first EP. Now, almost two years later, Matroda has flipped “Dat Vibe” into his own “Part 2”.
Moving away from the bounciness of the original, Matroda sticks to his sound and turns the track a shade darker. Keeping the “South America got dat vibe” vocal phrase the main focus, the track builds around the phrase and moves towards the build – similar to the original. With a more minimalistic break/build, the track quickly builds tension into the drop. Hitting hard in the drop, fans will be delighted with the signature bass-heavy sound of Matroda – intricate rhythms and heavy sounds.
“Dat Vibe Part 2” is reminiscent of the original, but stays true to Matroda’s new found solo sound. Stream the track through Good Enuff below!